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Monday, January 2, 2012

From this ..... this

Obesity is a worldwide problem; especially the US is known for it's vast oveweight population.
It is believed that this nation's obesity can be partly traced to their diet's lack of conjugated linoleic acid, which is ironically caused by their obsession with dieting. Although dieting is a national pastime in the US, people are actually getting fatter. In fact, one out of three Americans is obese.

Previous generations often consumed higher percentages of dietary fat than many overweight people do today, yet did not suffer from obesity. Despite eating low fat foods, the fat epidemic continues unabated. Why? One reason may be the decrease of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in the diet that is the result of the trend towards “low-fat” and red meat-free diets.

Excessive abdominal fat is one of the dominant risk factors for metabolic syndrome, which puts people at an increased risk of, among other things, coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes. In a clinical trial, CLA showed a marked reduction in waist-to-hip ratio, as well as in overall body weight and BMI.

Human beings are not able to convert enough linoleic acid into conjugated linoleic acid. Some scientists believe that in our quest to lose weight, we are not eating enough fat, or at least not the right kind of fat. The fat that is missing from our diet is conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)

Hyperinsulinemia (insulin-resistance or pre-diabetes) also causes obesity. Overweight individuals are trapped with an inability to lose weight despite their best intentions to diet. Nothing will be accomplished until their conjugated linoleic acid levels or hyperinsulinemia are corrected, so that fat can be burned instead of stored.

This is how it actually works

CLA slows the growth rate of fat cells by diverting glucose we normally ingest more quickly and efficiently to muscle cells instead of fat cells. The fat cells are thus being starved.

However, what CLA does not do is to reduce fat cells. To lose weight you will have to alter your lifestyle choices: avoiding refined carbohydrates, getting natural sunlight, engaging in regular physical exercise and supplementing your diet with superfoods and other forms of outstanding nutrition. In fact, most people will lose one to two pounds of body fat per week by making these changes.

CLA is a unique supplement that does not require a prescription. It is available at health food stores, and at online outlets like Not only does it guard against many serious diseases and health conditions, but it is also an effective tool for fighting obesity. Most diets are destined to fail. Why? Because when less calories are consumed, there is usually a significant loss of muscle as well as fat, due to the fact thate the body starts to burn muscle for energy. Not to mention the fact that without lean muscle mass, which burns calories while fat tissue doesn’t, the body’s metabolism plummets with every ounce of muscle digested, therefore requiring the dieter to eat less and less to maintain weight loss. Achieving a high metabolism translates into the dieter being able to eat more and still lose fat.

The primary dietary sources of CLA are beef and and milk. People are eating less red meat and drinking less whole milk in order to reduce their dietary intake of saturated fat. They often drink non-fat milk, but it is the fat content of the milk that contains CLA. Since skim milk contains virtually no CLA, those who switch to skim milk and a reduced-red meat diet to lose weight are depriving themselves of a potential source of this fat-reducing nutrient. However, although these foods contain some of this good fat, they do not get an altogether clean bill of health, since they are very high in calories and are also packed with saturated fat, which can promote cancer and heart disease. In other words, people are thus trapped with an inability to lose weight despite their best intentions to diet.

Consumption of considerable amounts of processed foods also leads to our nationwide lack of CLA. The processing techniques strip the CLA right out of the foods we eat. Without CLA, many aspects of our metabolism fail to operate efficiently.

Benefits of CLA:          

  • Increase in metabolism  
  • decrease in abdominal fat 
  • enhanced muscle growth, ( muscles burn fat) 
  • lowered cholesterol and triglycerides
  • lowered insulin resistance
  • reduction of food-induced allergies
  • enhanced immune system
CLA is commonly found in: dairy products like whole milk, cheese, butter,

  •   egg yolk
  •   mushrooms
  •   Safflower Oil
  •   Linseed Oil,
  •   Sunflower Oil
  •   Red meat: Beef, Lamb, Turkey , Buffalo, Deer, Goat, Kangaroo
  •   Spirulina and some other super foods

Grass-fed or pasture-fed cattle have the highest CLA concentrations. Avoid "grain-fed" cattle, which may mean the cows ate GMO corn.

CLA appears to be unaffected by cooking and processing. In fact, cooking beef might actually increase its CLA concentration, according to p. 283 of the book: Cancer chemoprevention By Lee W. Wattenberg.

Caffeine accelerates the effectiveness of CLA, thus making it a more potent fat burner. CLA and caffeine, administered orally, stimulates even more mechanisms for elimination of stored fat, resulting in greater weightloss http://www. United States Patent Application 20070269533  [source: United States Patent Application 20070269533 ]
Safety of CLA: No toxicity has been found in CLA. Individuals taking 3.2g CLA supplement per day for upto two years have shown no outstanding adverse results. CLA pills have been consumed as a supplement safely since 1996. There's no evidence that CLAphyscian

Conclusion: CLA supplement will aid you in losing weight, provided you do your part. The benefits will be long-term, unlike with most other get-slim-quick weightloss programs.

To help you get started with your new lifestyle, watch this video:

Click here for all your questions about achieving and maintaining your ideal weight.

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